Introducing Leap Quotient Evaluator

4 min read
Published on: 2024-07-29
Tom Goddard profile picture
Tom Goddard
Head of Growth
Men with jacket jumping on beach

Table of contents

  • Leap Quotient Evaluator

Leap Quotient Evaluator

Deliver market share growth with a prioritised action plan to improve your company’s value creation capabilities.

In an era dominated by short-termism and all its downfalls Leap Quotient Evaluator is the only predictive diagnostic tool that gives ambitious business leaders a clear, specific and prioritised action plan for creating preference-driving value, reigniting market share growth and attaining a sustained leap in marketplace performance.

What’s your business’ Leap Quotient (LQ)?

Through a digitally enabled appreciative process your team will learn about the 100 performance drivers that need to be in place to deliver organic growth. We’ll benchmark your company’s internal capabilities with respect to insights generation, ambitions and strategy, operating culture and customer centricity to assess your company’s LQ score. You’ll receive a comprehensive, evidence-based report and prioritised action plan.

Contact us to schedule your Leap Quotient Evaluation today.